Painting & Drawing Workshops

Hone your skills with intensive specialized instruction!

Shane periodically teaches workshops with demonstrations and personalized instruction as a way to bring more specialized attention to disciplines of representational realism in drawing and painting. Workshops are a fun way for students to mutually benefit from step-by-step instruction as they are facing the challenges of a similar subject.

Figure Drawing
One-Day Workshop

figure drawing workshop with clothed model
Figure drawing workshop with clothed model at Shane McDonald Studios

Figure Drawing Workshop
(with live semi-nude model)

Ages 12 - Adult
Date and time to be announced

$70 (3.5 hours, includes model fee)


Students will be need to bring:

  • vine charcoal sticks
  • soft and extra soft charcoal pencils
  • compressed charcoal sticks
  • light pastel/conté crayon
  • assortment of blending stumps (tortillons)
  • kneaded eraser
  • 18 x 24 inches newsprint pad (smooth finish preferred)
  • 18 x 24 inches white drawing paper/pad

Shane will cover the following ways to address the drawing of the human figure from a live model. More details TBA.

  • 30-minute lecture/exercise/demonstration of general human proportion
  • several gesture drawings (for movement, sense of gravity, and scale)
  • a few 10-minute drawings (for angles of armature, positive/negative space, center of weight, and contour lines)
  • a couple of 20-minute drawings (delineating light and shadow to help define depth and cover challenges of foreshortening, hands and feet)
  • one 25-minute drawing (a chance to bring it all together)
Payment and Registration

Pre-payment is required to register. Want to pay by cash or check? Email Shane McDonald or leave a voicemail at (770) 218-0676 to let him know you're stopping by to pay or that the check is in the mail.

Plein Air Painting

painting instructor teaches plein air painting for his students
Shane demonstrates en plein air during a workshop

Plein Air Painting Workshop

Ages 13 - Adult
Date: Date and time to be announced
Location: to be announced


Step-by-step guidance painting the landscape from life using oils or acrylics

We’ll meet at 9 a.m. at the Adairsville, GA location (address and directions will be supplied for enrollees). We’ll premix some colors for the palette and paint until noon. Shane will demonstrate to get everyone started. A critique will take place during the last half-hour. Students will need to bring their own easels and supplies.

Recommended Supplies
  • your easel (light-weight tripod easel, a half-size or full size French easel, or a pochade box easel is recommended)
  • at least two of the following sized painting grounds: 8x10, 9x12, 11x14, or 12x16 inches canvas board, painting panel, canvas pad/oil paper, or stretched canvas
  • a disposable paper palette pad (or what you already own and have successfully used before en plein air)
  • two or three brushes (long-handled, long-bristled recommended with brush heads ranging between 1/8-inch to 1-inch)
  • diamond-head metal palette knife
  • metal or solvent-safe plastic container mineral spirits
  • rags or paper towels
  • Oil Colors (a simplified palette—but feel free to bring more colors):
    • Titanium White
    • Cadmium Yellow Light
    • Viridian Green
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Permanent Alizarine Crimson
      [or Quinacridone Red]
Payment and Registration

Pre-payment is required to register. Want to pay by cash or check? Email Shane McDonald or leave a voicemail at (770) 218-0676 to let him know you're stopping by to pay or that the check is in the mail.

Portrait Painting Using Oils

portrait painting of a man from life by Shane McDonald
Shane paints a live male model for a portrait demonstration

Portrait Painting Workshop

We'll work 3 hours each day from a live model

Ages 12 - Adult
Date and time to be announced

Experience painting with oils is highly suggested.

Students will be need to bring:

Step-by-step guidance painting a portrait from a live model

Shane will teach participants to draw and paint the human head from a live model with accurate proportions, tonal values, and color to depict a convincing three-dimensional illusion. Using Shane’s method of efficient palette mixing of flesh tones, students will map their drawings accurately and block in lights and shadows using a tonal "couche" layer before painting the model's subtle facial features. Lastly, students will refine and render the intricate forms of facial features, neck-line clothing, and hair.

  • a sketchbook at least 11 x 14 inches
  • graphite pencil and kneaded eraser
  • two 8x10 or 9x12 inches canvas boards for studies
  • two 14 x 11 or 16 x 12 inches canvas, linen, or smooth wood panels for final portrait
  • glass or wooden palette
  • selection of 4-5 long-handled brushes (filberts, flats, and rounds) ranging in widths of 1/8th-inch to 1-inch
  • metal or glass jar for Gamsol mineral spirits
  • Oil colors:
    • Titanium White
    • Cadmium Yellow Light
    • Cadmium Red Medium
    • Alizarin Crimson
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Cerulean Blue
    • Sap Green

Pre-payment is required to register. Want to pay by cash or check? Email Shane McDonald or leave a voicemail at (770) 218-0676 to let him know you're stopping by to pay or that the check is in the mail.